Fulfilled living in later life
Front cover

Christian care for older people

We are Pilgrims' Friend Society. We are rooted in the Christian faith, committed to ensuring that the physical, emotional, spiritual and mental needs of each of our family members are met. At our homes we create an environment where faith can flourish – our family members are Christians or are sympathetic to the Christian faith.

We know how challenging it can be, and how vital it is that older people receive the care they deserve. That’s why we exist.

Where we are

We have care homes and housing schemes all across England. You can see some of them below.

Your free guide to navigating social care costs

Looking after older people involves many serious and challenging questions, such as how to navigate the costs and responsibilities involved. Pilgrims’ Friend Society have produced a concise Q&A guide to social care funding that you can download here. Just sign up below to get the guide. There’s also an opportunity to stay in touch with us for more of our news and resources.

For more stories, regular updates, and ways to pray sign up to our regular Family News email