Fulfilled living in later life
Pilgrims Friend Shottermill House Resources

Church resources for older people

As a charity, one of our key aims is to equip the church with resources for older people. Many church or church group leaders would love to support older people in their faith but don't know where to start.

We have a selection of resources which can be used in small groups settings or one-to-one. This includes a brand new edition of Brain and Soul Boosting - a series of sessions designed to support older people to build relationships and retain cognition.

We also have devotional resources and resources designed to help change attitudes to older age ('elderly' is not a term we like to use!) and promote a church culture where those in later life are celebrated and supported.

Whether you are a church leader, an older person's worker or a church member, we hope that you will find something to support you in your ministry.

How to use these resources with your church group

Our Brain and Soul Boosting, resource is designed to be used in a small group setting. There are 12 sessions. You need one workbook for the group leader, who will prepare materials in advance. Each session follows a theme - e.g. celebrations, gardens, birds and holidays - and has a set structure including discussion questions, suggested activities, Bible stories and an opportunity to pray.

Worshipping Together
and Worshipping With Dementia are both devotional resources containing Bible verses, hymns and prayers, which could be used either in a small group or one-to-one.

What's Age Got To Do With It?
could be read as part of book group while Living Out God's Purpose In Our Senior Years and Six Steps To Making A Dementia Friendly Church are short booklets that help to foster positive attitudes towards ageing and promote inclusivity.

Pilgrims Friend Brain And Soul Boosting updated cover

NEW EDITION Brain and Soul Boosting

Our updated and refreshed small-group resource is designed to deliver cognitive and social stimulation for older people, including those with dementia

Pilgrims Friend Resources Worshipping With Dementia

Worshipping With Dementia

For people with dementia, simplicity is paramount. These simple daily devotions are designed for use by caregivers, dementia sufferers, families, church groups, and medical professionals.

Pilgrims Friend Resources Whats Age Got To Do With It Cover

What's Age Got To Do With It?

If you think that being old is to do with a rocking chair and an easy life style, think again! This book turns the lenses the right way around and gives a clear, biblical view of God’s purpose for old age.

Find out more about ways to reach older people through resources and prayer

Pilgrims Friend Pippa Cramer Award

Hymns We Love

Faith in Later Life Ambassador Pippa Cramer tells how a hymn-based ministry to older people at her church helped to inspire the Daily Hope, the free phone line which has offered spiritual comfort to many during the pandemic

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Faith in Later Life

Our sister charity Faith in Later Life exists to inspire and equip Christians to reach, serve and empower older people in every community, through the local church

Pilgrims Friend Royd Court 24


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