Fulfilled living in later life

Friday 11th October 2024

Assisted suicide talk & prayer

Catch up on concerns raised about the proposed Assisted Dying bill with this recording of a talk hosted by Christians in Care. Plus, find out about an opportunity to pray with others

Many health and care professionals are deeply concerned about the possibility of assisted suicide being legalised in the UK. On Wednesday 16th October a bill for Assisted Dying will be read in the House of Commons.

Last week, Lucy Honeysett, Lead Coordinator of Christians in Care, was joined by Dr Gillian Wright from Our Duty of Care to discuss the concerns around this issue.

A recording of this online talk plus slides are available to view here.

Pilgrims Friend Christians In Care Assisted Suicide

The talk covers concerns around:
- protections for vulnerable people
- the value of life ascribed to disabled or dying people
- trust in the clinician-patient relationship
- potential complications with assisted suicide and implications for the professionals called to respond
- what’s happening in countries where assisted suicide is now legal, including Canada and The Netherlands

Lucy also offers insights from her perspective as both a Christian and a palliative care nurse, drawing on biblical passages to explore how we can respond to the fears people may face around the end of life.

There’s also guidance on writing to and sharing stories with local MPs as they consider how to vote.

For those wishing to join with others to pray about the issue of assisted suicide, the organisation CARE is hosting an online prayer event on Tuesday 5th November, at 12 noon. For further details and to register, see here.

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