Fulfilled living in later life

Wednesday 17th July 2024

Let the games begin!

As part of Care Home Open Week many of our homes threw wide the doors and welcomed in members of their local community for Olympic fun and more. Here are some highlights...

With the Olympic Games in Paris just round the corner, several of our homes got into the Olympic spirit, with Milward House in Tunbridge Wells and Luff House in Walton-on-the-Naze inviting children from local schools to join in the sporting fun. (Luff House's event even made the local newspaper - read all about it here.) Over at Evington Home in Leicester, volunteers and staff joined family members for games and races on the lawn, with mini trophies awarded to worthy winners.

Pilgrims Friend Evington Care Home Open Week3 2
Pilgrims Friend Milward House Care Home Open Week6
Pilgrims Friend Luff House Care Home Open Week5

Garden parties and summer fairs also took place. At Framland in Wantage, our family members and visitors were treated to cream teas and games in the garden, with live music courtesy of a ukulele band. Over at Middlefields House in Chippenham a bouncy castle was enjoyed by folk of all ages, alongside games, puppetry, a brass band and lashings of coffee and cake.

Koinonia Christian Care Home in Worthing strung out the bunting both for an open day where visitors were welcomed to have a look around or join an activity and also for a summer fair with bouncy castle, face painting, refreshments and more. Evington Home's summer fair featured live piano music and an assortment of stalls. Shottermill House in Haslemere also invited people to join the regular morning devotions and daily activity, or just drop in for a chat.

While Care Home Open Week may be over, our homes are a friendly bunch and would love to hear from you. If you are interested in living, volunteering or working with us, do get in touch!

Pilgrims Friend Middlefields House Summer Fair8 1
Pilgrims Friend Evington Care Home Open Week4
Pilgrims Friend Koinonia Care Home Open Week

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