Fulfilled living in later life
House of Lords Adult Social Care Committee Report - our response

Wednesday 14th December 2022

House of Lords Adult Social Care Committee Report - our response

Our Chief Executive Stephen Hammersley shares his thoughts

A new report by House of Lords Adult Social Care Committee says there should be greater visibility for adults who need social care:

'The report calls on the Government to commit to a more positive and resilient approach to adult social care based on greater visibility for the whole sector, as well as greater choice and control for disabled adults and older people and a better deal for unpaid carers.'

To download the report and for a summary of its recommendations see here.

In response to the report, our Chief Executive Stephen Hammersley says: “As a Christian provider of care to older people we welcome the recommendations in the report but if we wanted to deliver better outcomes for the older people living in the communities in and around our homes we would start in a different place.

"We would start by celebrating the value of people with a lifetime of experience and do our bit in encouraging and nurturing the respect and care that most people have for seniors. It takes a connected community to create a place where older people can live well and if the community is open handed and caring fewer demands are placed on the state.

"The Bible says that God places the lonely in families and so we try and model this in our care homes hoping that our volunteers and colleagues take this way of thinking home with them. Our recommendation is that government should be thinking similarly."

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