Fulfilled living in later life
Introducing...Community Cafés

Friday 28th February 2025

Introducing...Community Cafés

Helen Nathan

We’d love your prayerful support as we launch this new initiative across our homes

At Pilgrims’ Friend Society, we’re keen to be embedded in our local communities, sharing our resources and expertise where we can.

This year, we’re launching our Community Cafés to help reach out and support local people, particularly those who are living with dementia and their caregivers.

Nicole is our The Way We Care Lead at Framland in Wantage. Together with our Activities and Community Engagement (ACE) Facilitator Dave, she is planning the official launch of the Community Café early this year.

Nicole says, “There could be lots of people living in our local area who are really struggling.

We’ll be offering a safe space where they can come, have a cup of tea and a piece of cake and a chat. If people have questions around dementia, we’ll be happy to help, but they are welcome just to come for the company.”

Pilgrims Friend Framland Nicole image

The Community Café will take place once a month for around an hour and will also include a simple activity, such as a quiz or some physical exercises, to help break down barriers. ‘Family members’ (as we call those who live with us) from Framland will also be welcome to join in. The Community Café will be held in the home’s dining room, with tables and chairs to give a café-style feel.

Towards the end of last year, Framland held a trial run of the Community Café, inviting in a couple connected to the home through the parish church of St Peter’s and St Paul’s. “They seemed to have a good time,” says Nicole. “The wife is caring for her husband and I think she just appreciated being able to talk to somebody who understands.”

Our Operations Manager Friederike Hamilton is overseeing the initiative across our homes. She says, “The launch of our Community Cafés is a next step in helping us to serve the older people on our doorsteps. We’re excited to see how God will use them and are grateful for your partnership in prayer."

Pilgrims Friend Framland image

As our Community Cafés take shape, please pray:

• That they would reach as many people who need support as possible

• For partnership with local churches in spreading the word to their congregations and beyond

• For wisdom for our teams as they plan

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