Tuesday 16th February 2021
Introducing the interactive table
How a clever piece of technology designed for those with dementia is delighting our family members at Luff House, Walton-on-the-Naze

From cracking over-sized eggs to swimming with the fishes and sounding the notes of a xylophone at the throw of a ball, our family members at Luff House have been enjoying a world of exciting adventures thanks to a brand-new piece of technology.
Created by the company OM Interactive, the Mobii ‘interactive table’ is specially designed to support those living with dementia. The technology works by projecting images from a free-standing device onto an ordinary table or a special mat on the floor. The user is able to interact with these images thanks to sensors. The Mobii is portable so it can even be used at the bedside of those whose are less mobile.
Through an array of eye-catching images and evocative sounds, the Mobii conjures up places and experiences familiar from the past, made all the more immersive and engaging by the user’s ability to interact with them.
For example, after cracking the eggs with their hands, the user is rewarded by the appearance of a traditional Victoria sponge cake, oozing with jam and cream, reminiscent of what they may have made in the past. Such activities can serve as a stimulus for conversation, with participants and carers sharing experiences.
As well as bringing back the memories, the Mobii promotes physically movement. At Luff House, Joan, aged 100, walked across an ocean-scene unaided, making a swimming action. Ivy, meanwhile, was delighted by her success with the xylophone throwing game. After hitting the target and hearing the note she commented, “It was all in the timing, my dear.”
Our staff members at Luff House have been having fun with the table, too. As part of a pizza-making activity, our Activities Coordinator enjoyed smashing tomatoes so much it was difficult to get her to stop!
At Pilgrims’ Friend Society, we’re always looking for ways we can enrich the lives of those we care for. We’re excited to see how we can continue to use the Mobii table in the coming months at Luff House.
Find out more about our unique person-centred approach to care The Way We Care