Fulfilled living in later life
Meet a housekeeper… Fraser

Wednesday 28th August 2024

Meet a housekeeper… Fraser

Fraser, 20, came to Middlefields House in Chippenham through his college on a supported internship. Since then, he’s been appointed Housekeeper and earlier this year his exemplary work was recognised through a Wiltshire Supported Internship Employer (WSI) Award. We caught up with Fraser about his path into employment

I started my internship at Middlefields House in March 2023. My job coach at college had heard about the opportunities here to do work experience. I spent 12 weeks rotating round different areas of the care home – laundry, housekeeping, the kitchen and the coffee shop.

I wanted to try something out and to help older people. I had two great grandmas when I was younger and I liked spending time with them. They both lived into their nineties. I remember that they were really kind and gentle. In particular, I remember one of my grandmas used to say “God bless” to me.

It was interesting seeing how different parts of the care home worked. I found the laundry fun and I liked sorting everyone’s clothes into the different places. Housekeeping involved keeping everything clean and tidy. When I was with the kitchen, I took the trays round to each household at mealtimes. In the coffee shop I helped with the teas and coffees, sometimes going into the kitchen and doing the washing up.

When the job of housekeeper came up the team encouraged me to apply. The interview must have gone well as I got the job and started at the end of May.

As a housekeeper, you get to talk to all the family members as you go round the different bedrooms and bathrooms. They are always very kind and thank me. Some in particular are very chatty – there’s a lady called Judy who will hug everyone she sees. Brian also likes to have a chat.

The job has not always been easy for me. I have autism and a learning difficulty. This means I can find too much information overwhelming. My manager, Dennise, has been very sensitive to this. She helped me by breaking down tasks step-by-step. That way I only have to focus on one thing at a time. This has made a big difference.

Another challenge I had was with keeping track of time. I found it easy to spend too long on one job. Dennise helped me by giving me a digital clock I can take round with me – we don’t carry phones on shift. Now I just have to keep an eye on that.

Pilgrims Friend Middlefields House Fraser Dennise

It was lovely to be Highly Commended in the Wiltshire Supported Internship Employer (WSI) Awards. I feel really proud of what I have achieved and how I have overcome different challenges. I know my mum and my job coach are really proud of me too.

Please pray:
Thank the Lord for bringing dedicated people like Fraser to come and work with us. Thank Him that our homes are inclusive places with space for staff to learn and grow.

Dennise on Fraser:
“I have been impressed by Fraser’s professional approach to the role. In particular, he has demonstrated great resilience in overcoming the challenges he’s had. He has adopted new ways of working and I’ve seen how much he has improved. He is such a brilliant team player and is always willing to help out.

“What’s been useful to me is knowing things he finds difficult. This has meant that we have been able to work together to find approaches that enable him to work efficiently. Our team had an audit done recently and our manager was very happy which shows just how brilliantly Fraser has done.”

When Fraser is not working he likes to…
Play rugby. He took up rugby two and a half years ago and plays on the wing for his team the Melksham Stags. He has also been on tour to Ireland with another team, the Maris.

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