Wednesday 16th October 2019
Pilgrim Home Brighton to close
It is with regret that we have announced plans to close our Pilgrim Home, Brighton. The closure will take place on Wednesday, 4 December 2019, subject to consultations with staff about the reasons for the decision.
We keep the quality of our care under constant review. The Brighton building is very old and is no longer helpful to the delivery of great care that our staff team have continued to deliver. With the main duty of care to the residents in mind, closure of the home was unavoidable.
We are deeply saddened by the decision to close Brighton Home, but we believe it is in the best interests of the residents to do so. Although the Home’s most recent CQC inspection rated the care as “Good”, we are not able to guarantee the level of support, due to the inadequacy of the the building, for our residents going forward to the standards that we would like.
Residents and relatives have been informed of the decision and PFS is working to identify appropriate alternative homes for residents, either in other Society homes or in other Christian care homes in the local area. Staff have been notified and supporting them through this process is a top priority. We are grateful to them for their care and diligence under difficult circumstances.
PFS has had a presence in Brighton for more than 140 years and continues to be committed to the residents of Brighton and the surrounding areas. PFS is exploring alternative opportunities to provide excellent Christian care in the region in the future through the PFS Renewal Programme which will provide six new residences over the next 10 years in various locations including on the south coast.
Please do pray for our residents and staff at Pilgrim Home, Brighton. Pray that they would know peace during an unsettling time and, as we work with them to make arrangements, the Lord would provide for all their needs.