Fulfilled living in later life
Thanks, Mum!

Tuesday 25th February 2025

Thanks, Mum!

Helen Nathan

With Mother's Day taking place on 30th March, we asked those living with us to share memories of their mothers– the things they learnt from them, the ways they shaped their lives

Pilgrims Friend Evington Home Margaret

Margaret, 93, Evington Home, Leicester

“My mother’s maiden name was Goodman, and she used to read Psalm 37:23 with the emphasis on ‘good’: ‘The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord.’ She was interested in all we did at school and at home, and came to our sports days, school plays, prizegivings, parents’ evenings etc.

“She believed in old-fashioned discipline. One day, when my brother and I played truant from school and pleaded that the other children told us to do it, she quoted, ‘ My son, if sinners entice thee, consent thou not’ (Proverbs 1:10), enforcing her words with a liberal use of the cane! I thank the Lord for a praying (and strict) mother.”

Pam, 94, Shottermill House, Haslemere

“She was very good at acting, music and singing which I inherited. She gave me general advice in life. I think I take after my mum.”

Pilgrims Friend Shottermill House Pam
Pilgrims Friend Shottermill House Martin

Martin, 86, Shottermill House, Haslemere

“She was an early riser and she was quiet when she got up so that she wouldn’t disturb us. She worked as a teacher, so she would get up to prepare for the evening meal and ensure things got done, including my packed lunch. One thing my mother taught me was independence.”

Maureen, 78, Strathclyde House, Skelmorlie

“My mother was a very kind, loving and generous mum – she would do anything for anyone. She would have given you her last penny if she saw you were in need, and I often saw her going without things for herself, to give to us children or to other families in need.

“In the tiny village where we grew up down in Cornwall she was well known for making the best pasties for miles around, and she always made extra, and plenty of saffron buns too, to give to families whose mums may have been poorly or in hospital. Sadly, she passed away in 2012 at the age of 90. Needless to say, I miss her so much.”

Pilgrims Friend Strathclyde Houseimage1
Pilgrims Friend Royd Court Phillip

Philip, 83, Royd Court, Mirfield

“My mother’s ‘career’ was the now sometimes looked down upon role of housewife. Some of her many skills were passed on to me. I learned more culinary skills from her than my siblings, probably because I was often hanging around the kitchen, waiting to be given the cake mixing bowl to scrape. I also showed an interest when she was darning socks, so eventually was given that task.

“Although I didn’t have her musical ability, she did teach me to sing in tune, with the help of a 6d bribe, and I’m now able to hold a bass part in congregational singing and the Royd Court choir. But perhaps more important than any of these was taking my turn to pray when she was leading family worship.

Edna, 94, Shottermill House, Haslemere

“My mother taught me to cook. She was brilliant at looking after us, we were nine children. I went to school to become a cook because Mum taught me to enjoy cooking. I enjoy cooking here [at Shottermill House], mucking about with the ingredients.”

Pilgrimsfriend Milward House Pamela

Pam, 82, Milward House, Tunbridge Wells

“My mother advised me as a child to be good and not do naughty things, to be kind to people. My mother gave me advice that I would be ok if anything happened to her, that someone would look after me.”

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