Monday 24th April 2023
Why we’re calling for a Commissioner for Older People & Ageing
We’ve joined more than 70 like-minded organisations, and a few famous names, in calling for a Commissioner for Older People & Ageing who could champion older people across Government
Headed up by Independent Age, the Centre for Ageing Better, the National Pensioners Convention and Age UK, the campaign calls for a Commissioner for Older People & Ageing who would raise awareness of the issues people face in later life and bring together key decision-makers.
Independent of government, a Commissioner would help co-ordinate different departments, working to resolve issues such as difficulties with accessing care and support and financial pressures caused by the cost-of-living crisis.
As a Christian organisation supporting older people across England and Scotland, we’re all too aware of the challenges older people can experience, particularly with regard to accessing social care but also regarding ageism more generally. We believe a Commissioner for Older & Ageing could help ensure social care is adequately funded and the contribution of older people to society is recognised.

Lending their support to the campaign are some famous faces – Tony Blackburn, Dame Arlene Phillips, Don Warrington, Sir Geoff Hurst and Rustie Lee.
Last week, we attended a parliamentary drop-in session at Westminster alongside MPs, including Iain Duncan Smith and Tim Farron, and others from like-minded organisations to show our support for the campaign.
One of those at the event was Morgan Vine, Head of Policy and Influencing at Independent Age, who explained, “Older people are often seen as one homogenous group. There’s the stereotype that everyone’s a home-owner, that everyone’s financially secure. We think that a Commissioner could really amplify those voices that are less heard.
“A Commissioner has statutory duties, they can call for evidence, they can go and visit older people’s groups, they can feed in their views and experiences, they can hold Government departments to account.”

Following the event, our Chief Executive Stephen Hammersley was interviewed by BBC Radio Kent about why he sees the need for a Commissioner and how, given the right opportunities, older people can contribute to society, as we see happening in our care homes and housing schemes every day. Listen again on BBC Sounds (3h41m in):